Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Membuat Dual Boot Windows 7 dan Ubuntu

This tutorial is a simple guide that will explain the two easiest ways to setup and install Ubuntu to dual-boot with your current installation of Windows. One option describes how to do this via WUBI. Another describes how to do this as a native dual-boot.

warning   Warning
Neither Designer Media Ltd (Sevenforums) nor myself are responsible for any problems that occur from the following tutorial.
Note   Note
Please bear in mind that the WUBI installation method installs Ubuntu as if it is an application on Windows. It does NOT use its own partitions.


Using Wubi Installer

Step 1: Go to this website, download and run the Wubi installer.

Step 2: Select the hard drive you wish to install it on. Keep in mind it will NOT erase Windows.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-wubi.png
Step 3: Select the amount of space you want to give tos Ubuntu to use. I recommend 3GB.

Step 4: Select your desktop enviornment. This is personal prefernce, if you are new to Linux I suggest sticking with Ubuntu.

Step 5: Select your language.

Step 6: Set your screenname. Note that this cannot contain capitalized letters of any kind.

Step 7: Set your password. When you have completed that hit the install button and wait!

Step 8: When it finishes downloading and installing Ubuntu, just restart to boot into Ubuntu!


Native Install

Step 1: Burn a CD/DVD with the Ubuntu ISO through Windows.

Step 2: Boot from the CD/DVD when you start up your computer.

Step 3: 
Press the up button the moment something appears on that screen and select a language.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubunt0.png
Step 4: Select the option 'Try ubuntu without installing'.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu1.png
Step 5: When the desktop appears double click the icon on the desktop called 'Install Ubuntu'.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu2.png
Step 6: When the installer launches fully, select your language and hit the foward button.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu3.png
Step 7: On this screen you'll want to choose that options you want. I suggest selecting them both. Hit the foward button again after you select what you want.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu4.png
Step 8: On this screen you'll want to select the 'specify partitions' option and click foward.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu5.png
Step 9: Here as you can see we already have some unallocated space, click it and select the 'Add' button. (Note: You can select an already created partition, make sure not to overwrite your Windows partition!)
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu6.png
Step 10: A window should pop up, you should make the mount point '/' and the 'Use as' EXT4 filesystem. Click Ok when done.
Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu-ubuntu7.png
Step 11: After that click the 'Install Now' button and follow the onscreen instructions. 

Step 12: You'll be prompted to reboot after its finished, reboot and select the top option in the Grub 2 Boot Loader and you're now in Ubuntu!

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